April 4, 2024
South Houston TX LPC Volume Redirect to North Houston TX P&DC
The Mail Direction Files (MDF)
The South Houston TX LPC (Locale Key 020709, NASS Code 774LP) will not begin processing all destinating letters and flats volumes for ZIP Codes 770,772 and 774 until further notice.
Zip Codes 770,772 and 774 for SCF destinating volume will be processed at North Houston TX (NASS Code 773AX). Drop Shipment appointments for these Zip Codes should be made at North Houston TX (NASS Code 773AX)
Note: All Misship errors resulting from these entry changes for the month of April will be removed from the Mailer Scorecards.
The Errata File that is published with a Copywrite record file version date of 4/1/2024 should be applied to the Mail Direction File version 3/1/2024 with an effective date of 4/1/2024 and the Mail Direction File with a file version date of 4/1/2024 with an effective date of 5/1/2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the FAST Help Desk at FAST@usps.gov or by telephone at 877-569-6614 (Option 3).
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